Dumitru N. ALEXANDRU - Technical University Iaºi
Technical University Iaºi
- Technical University Iaºi
- University Tehnica Timiºoara
- Technical University Iaºi
- Technical University Cluj-Napoca
Technical University Cluj-Napoca
Costicã NITU
- University Politehnica Bucureºti
Adrian PETRESCU - University
Politehnica Bucureºti
- University Politehnica Bucureºti
Alexandru VALACHI
- Technical University Iaºi
The Annals of the "Stefan
cel Mare" University Electrical Section,
ISSN 1222-4316,
No. 11 / 1999
Adrian GRAUR
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
email: adriang@eed.usv.ro
Abstract. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is partner in the Structural Joint European Project 12132-97 entitled INCOT - New Course Information and Communication Technologies whose major aim is to set up a new Degree course, at the graduate level, in 'Integrated Information and Communication Technology Engineering. The article presents a review of the specific achievements in restructuring the faculty curricula, equipment purchase, development of didactic material, as well as the impact of newly born ideas, their continuity and the dissemination of the project’s results.
1. Overall Project Outputs
As partner in the project, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering expects
the following main achievements:
The overall strategy of our institution includes, among other things,
some objectives that can be related to this project: a new second cycle
degree course in "Integrated Information and Communication Technologies",
the introduction of the European Credits Transfer System (ECTS), the launching
of a distance learning package and curricula correlation.
From this point of view, the project is very important to us and the
staff mobilities were closely related to these objectives.
To "internationalise" our higher educational system, studies and analyses
were made with our partners and the conclusions were analyzed by the Academic
Council of the Faculty.
2. Specific Achievements
Creation of a New Degree Course
Appointed members of our Department and the Advisory Council have already elaborated the Curriculum for the new second cycle degree course in "Integrated Information and Communication Technologies". Consequently, we expect our applicants to be in the fortunate position of enrolling for a new specialisation at the end 2001/2002 academic year.
A Multimedia Learning Center (MLC) was set up to ensure access for the
targeted staff to the latest technological aspects in the field. This Center
will be expanded in the next years.
Purchased equipment: PC multimedia stations based, network equipment
(one fast Ethernet switch, 100 Mbps HUBs, Ethernet Boards) and teaching
gadgets (overhead projector, whiteboard). This kind of equipment assures
the main technical support for the development of future applications in
our laboratories. They match our expectations.
The equipment was installed in the Multimedia Learning Center (75 square
meters), located on the second floor of our faculty’s new building.
The equipment is part of a didactic laboratory with scheduled access
of both students (class hours and individual work) and the teaching staff
involved in ICT and ODL. Moreover, when the short courses in the continuing
education network programme begin, this facility will be largely employed
by our company applicants.
Curriculum Development
The experience gained within this project led to the introduction of
a new direction in the professional training and management for the
1997/1998-ICT academic year, which, in fact ,starts from the fourth year
of studies. We have consequently developed new syllabi for new disciplines.
These developments match our expectations and manage to meet both quality
and scope requirements at European levels. We have also made some
changes in the 1st year postgraduate curriculum. Some minor or even
major changes are possible after two or three experimental years of activity
based on university-industry interaction.
Both the new and the reshaped courses are part of the official
"Educational Plan" for the Computer Engineering curriculum and the 1st
year postgraduate programme at all levels (faculty, university, ministry).
We appreciate that the initiative is a success in spite of our
limited academic and institutional support.
The addressability of these developments is twofold: the
teaching staff involved in educational activities and the students of our
faculty. We expect to attract 25 to 50 students for the 5-year graduate
program and 10 electrical engineers for the postgraduate program (Master
For the moment, this new course is to be delivered only in Romanian,
but our academic staff is prepared to deliver it in either English or French,
if there should be any international demands.
Didactic materials
Our faculty will benefit of the teaching materials introduced by the
academic staff participating at mobilities, such us courses, practical
guides, curricula of similar EU graduate programs These materials have
already been translated, adapted and developed in consultation with
our EU partners. The printing process was delayed for the second year to
ensure a proper ‘polishing’ of the manuscripts.
Staff training
The staff training and updating was made on the base of the retraining
plan of the faculty. The project is an important component for our faculty
and our human resources development plan has been constantly correlated
with the financial support that we can obtain. The information sources
permit the running of nigh education program according to the requirements
of European education. (??????)
The quality of training provided so far has met all our expectations,
especially in terms of information gathering, exchange of ideas
and expertise with the our EU partners. From this point of view,
we consider that our constant reference to the European higher education
standards is a sine-qua-non condition for the integration of the Romanian
University system in the European one. Special thanks have to be
attributed to our EU partners, University of Limerick (IRL), Technological
Education Institute of Piraeus (GR) and University of Lund (SE) for supporting
our grantees.
3. University/Industry Links
We are targeting enterprises in the fields of communication services,
informatics, distribution and transport of electrical energy, machine-tools
industry, multimedia, software and hardware ICT technique and any other
enterprises ready to employ electrical engineers. We can provide training
and updating programmes for their staff at the highest European standards.
We have had a good collaboration with the technical
staff of these companies while developing the new the new course
and the Advisory Council came up with brilliant suggestions for the new
ICT curriculum.
Besides retraining, we can provide services related to computer network
operations (testing, analyse of traffic, failure points etc.), consulting
in industrial projects, or design of new industrial specific applications.
4. Impact
The key success of this project for our institution consists in the
following improvements of our curriculum, the internationalisation of courses,
the updating and retraining of the academic staff, the penetration of European
spirit among the academic staff and the preparation of good conditions
for ECTS.
We consider that such projects are important parts of the reform of
the educational system in our country. Our disappointments are related
to the limited budget of this program, dwelling the possibilities for covering
all mobility demands. However, as a whole, it did have a positive impact
on our institution.
Our involvement in the project led to the benefits of a positive scientific
and educational co-operation between our university and other partners
universities (UU, TIP, ULU, FHR) and national and European enterprises.
The results obtained by our grantees in each and every host university
were very good and we consider that this fact considerably improves the
capability of our university to show its innovative potential in
well–organized and supportive network of creative and productive bodies.
We should not forget to mention the three meetings at the PMG level which
represented a ‘good school’ for management skills improvement.
5. Continuity and Dissemination
In the future we plan to exploit the achievements of the project by
means of allowing our teaching staff to impart their newly
acquired knowledge and make their books and articles
internationally available.
The plans for future financing schemes are related to the financial
possibilities of the Romanian Ministry of National Education and the short
intensive courses given in our MLCs for company managers.
We strongly believe that this project is only the tip of the iceberg
in the future extensive institutional co-operation among all our partners.
Institut Galilée
LIPN, Université Paris 13
email: dk@lipn.univ-paris13.fr
Stefan-Gheorghe PENTIUC
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str.Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
email: pentiuc@eed.usv..ro
Résumé. Le but des logiques modales est d'étendre les logique classiques en ce sens que leur langage et leur théor?mes généralisent ceux des logiques classiques. Le nom de logique modale provient de l'utilisation des opérateurs de modalité (e.g. nécessaire, possible) portant sur les propositions et formules.
Mots clefs: intelligence artificielle, logique modale des propositions, logique modale des prédicats
Méziane YACOUB, Younés BENNANI
“Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava
Universitatii nr.1 RO-5800 Suceava
email: dragoscalitoiu@yahoo.com
Abstract. This paper proposes one model of processes of incoming
and outcoming electrical signals in synaptic cleft. This model contains
the neurotransmitter-receptor interaction and examines the neurochemical
characteristics of neurotransmitters.
Keywords: neuron, synaptic cleft, neurotransmitter
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
Electrical Engineering Department
Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
email: mahalu@eed.usv.ro,
Abstract: This paper considers the use an original method
for the video blocks from a video frame compressing. In this purpose we
used the Sti3220 SGS-Thomson’s processor documentation to implementing
the new idea of data video compressing. On the theoretic results we shall
design an appropriate processor oriented in specific mode to this aim.
This subject will make object of a future paper work.
Keywords: video data, frame, recognition, motion, distortion,
vector, compression.
Cristian Andy TANASE,
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str.Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
email: andy_t@eed.usv..ro,
Abstract: This paper focuses on digital signal processing
techniques as well as on special characteristics of DSPs. It also provides
an overview of the domains in which digital processors and their technology
is used. Finally, it presents a voice recognition application. The application
recognises the vowels from a set of default words and commands the function
system according to the command received.
Keywords: digital signal processing techniques, digital signal
processors, real time processing, Fast Fourier Transform algorithm (FFT),
voice pattern.
Gheorghe SANDU, Leonard IURESCU
P. Todos, V. Dorogan, V. Trofim, T. Vieru, M. Manole, V. Coseac.
Tehnical University of Moldova
Laboratory of Microelectronics
Bd. Stefan cel Mare 168,
MD2004, Kishinev, Moldova,
Phone 022-247143,
Fax 022-248378
Abstract: A new manufacturing technology for olar cells on the basis of GaAs-AlGaAs heterostructures with conversion efficiency of 16-18% (AM1.5) and low cost is proposed. The method consists in separating the solar cell thin structure from the single crystal GaAs substrate by selective etching and in its multiple utilization for epitaxial growth of new structures. Some new constructions of thin film solar cells are proposed: with one-side photosensibility and for converting the concentrate solar radiation. A technology of solar batteries manufacturing from defected single crystal Si wafers is also described. The main parameters and characteristics of realiyed solar cells are presented.
Keywords: solar cell heterostructure, photosensibility, conversion efficiency, single crystal Si, selective etching.
L’Université “ªtefan cel Mare” Suceava
Str. Universitãþii, nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
Résumé: L’ouvrage présente une solution graphique pour la
version roumaine de la méthode du courant continu. On présente et on discute
deux variantes: l’une ayant comme fondement les conventions généralement
connues et acceptées et l’autre, plus simple, mais accouple avec les nouvelles
Mots-clef: indice horaire, transformateur triphasée, solution
Mariana MILICI
Universitatea "Stefan cel Mare" Suceava,
str. Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
email: mami@eed.usv.ro, dam@eed.usv.ro
Summary. The present work presents a typical application of
the circuits with switched capacities: the measuring of the low capacities
through bridge methods. In the case of the capacitive transducers, where
the variation of the output quantity is very low, the measuring bridge
- in which the sensor is introduced - implies a high frequency supplying
and the use of a very high value resistors. A solution for the rising of
the signal/noise coefficient from the measuring bridge with switched capacities.
In addition to the design solution of the capacitive transducer and the
exhibit of calculation relations, this work also included a series of characteristics
which underline the results obtained in practice, when using the available
Key words: switched capacity, measuring bridges, capacitate
transducer, error.
Mesteacanului Nr.2,Bl .24, Sc. A, Ap.13
Suceava 5800, Romania
email: dtiliute@eed.usv.ro
Abstract: In this paper the author attempts a comparative analysis of actual technique used to perform preci-sion rectification, with the emphasis of major advantages of current-mode rectification. At the same time two new solutions for full-wave precision rectification current conveyor based are presented.
Petronela Marinela AGA
Gabriela CIMPAN
High School nr.3, Suceava
Abstract. Recent advances studies on II-VI semiconductors is reviewed with emphasis on excitonic properties of excitons from the 2D case in both emission and absorption The aim of the paper is to present an application of the ZnSe-based quantum well configurations at excitonic lasing emitters in the blue and the green.
Mircea Ilinca*, Mihai H. Zaharia*, Virgil Alexandrescu**
*Department of Computer Science
**Department of Electrical Engineering
Technical University “Gh. Asachi” Iasi
Abstract: In this paper is presented a solution for transition,
that should be made, from a classic operation mode to a dynamic and adaptive
style in control of power systems.
The introduction of distributed control can provide a flexible and
cheap long-term solution.
The theory on power systems control proves that, a stimulus repose
time decrease implies an increase in the stability of system and decrease
waste of power.
Keywords: parallel computing, distributed computing, power
system control
Ioan Maxim
"Spiru Haret" High Scool of Informatics from Suceava
str. Zorilor nr.17, RO-5800 Suceava
email: maxim@lisv.svnet.ro
Abstract. The article presents a personal point of view
regarding the approach of sorting the number, an approach which enables
us to make a generalisation based on bidimensional arrays and even tri
and n-dimensional ones. The implementation of the algorithms and the practical
applications are immediate.
Keywords: viewer, sorting, algorithms
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Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei
Biblioteca universitara Bd. Stefan cel Mare 168 277012 CHISINAU Republica Moldova |
Laboratoire Informatique de Lille
Bibliotheque Batiment M4 Cite Scientifique 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex FRANCE |
University of Cernautzi
University Library Ul. Kocjubinskogo 2 274012 CERNOVCY UKRAINE |
L2EP E.C. Lille
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The State Technical University of Vinnitsa
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Moscow Aviation Institute
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Universita degli Studii di Catania
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Moscow Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics
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Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
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Biblioteca Centrala Universitara
Subscription and Paper Submission
prof. Adrian GRAUR
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
The "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava,
str.Universitatii nr.1
e-mail: adriang@eed.usv.ro