Technical University Iaºi
- Technical University Iaºi
- Technical University Cluj-Napoca
- University Tehnica Timiºoara
- Technical University Iaºi
- Technical University Cluj-Napoca
Technical University Cluj-Napoca
Costicã NITU
- University Politehnica Bucureºti
Adrian PETRESCU - University
Politehnica Bucureºti
- University Politehnica Bucureºti
Alexandru VALACHI
- Technical University Iaºi
The Annals of the "Stefan
cel Mare" University Electrical Section,
ISSN 1222-4316,
No. 12 / 1999
In May 1999 the Faculty of Electrical Engineering organised the Sixth Annual Students' International Computers Contest
HARD & SOFT Suceava '99
The contest consisted in the design and achievement of a system containing
hardware and software modules. The students may use books and other
sources, but they are not allowed to use any kind of information in a machine
readable form. Only the functional products will be taken into account
to be rewarded.
The President of the Jury was Prof. John MILNER, from City University,
London. Members of the jury : John HILL, David STYLES, Darius MIKALAUSKAS,
all from the City University, London
The ranking of the participating teams :
Next year, our faculty will organise the 7-th Edition of the contest, and wellcome representatives from the technical universities in Romania, Ukraine, Serbia and Modavia.1st prize - Technical University of Timisoara
2nd prize - "Politehnica" University of Bucuresti
3rd prize - "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
Honourable Mention - University of Craiova, Technical University of Iasi , Technical University of Chisinau
Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
National Technical University of Athens
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15773, Athens, Greece
E-mail: mioannid@ece.ntua.gr
Abstract. This paper presents the implementation of a programmable
logic controller based closed loop control system for an induction motor
drive. Also, it describes the implementation of the speed control software
and the configured hardware with the results obtained on performance of
the induction motor.
The system of induction motor driven by inverter and controlled
by PLC proves a high accuracy in speed regulation. The effectiveness of
implementing a proportional control law is very good in the range of speeds
lower than 95% of synchronous speeds. Thus, PLC proved that are a very
versatile and efficient tool in implementation of industrial control of
electric drives.
Keywords: Electric drives, programmable logic controllers,
computer controlled systems
P. Todos, V. Dorogan, V. Trofim, T. Vieru, M. Manole, V. Coseac.
Tehnical University of Moldova, Laboratory of Microelectronics
Bd. Stefan cel Mare 168, MD2004, Kishinev,
Phone 022-247143, Fax 022-248378
Abstract: The paper is dedicated to elaboration and manufacturing of new constructions of UV radiation sensors on the basis of III-V compounds and single-crystal Si. First construction, realized on GaAs – AlGaAs – SnO2 heterostructures, contains a potential barrier at GaAs – AlGaAs interface to diminish the influence of visible radiation in photocurrent. It is shown that the contribution of visible radiation decreases with decreasing of AlGaAs layer thickness, with increasing of its doping level and composition. The second construction consists of two photoactive cells, differentially connected to loading resistor. One cell is covered with a layer, transparent for visible and IR radiation and non-transparent for UV radiation. Differential connection excludes the common for both cells components. Thus, the photocurrent of differential sensor is proportional only to UV radiation intensity.
Keywords: UV radiation sensor, heterostructure, single-crystal Si, differential connection, photocurrent, photosensibily.
University POLITEHNICA Bucharest
Petru Gabriel IVÃNCESCU
email: igabi@easynet.ro
ACET S.A. Suceava
Abstract. These instructions provide basic guidelines to help
possible contributors prepare their final camera-ready papers for submission
to the Electrical Section in the Annals of "Stefan cel Mare" University
of Suceava. Abstracts (maximum 200 words) should be self-explanatory and
summaries the essential qualities of papers.
Keywords: database, time oriented model, sequential time
model, data base management system
University “Politehnica “of Bucharest
Faculty of Automatic Control
and Computer Science
E-mail: cnitu@lucky.schur.pub.ro
Abstract: Neural networks are components within an overall
application, not solutions in their own right. They can be used in conjunction
with both conventional processing techniques and rule-based processing,
such as expert systems. A correct mix of processing techniques can reduce
the complexity of the solution and result in one that is much more robust.
The applications of the neural model -- based control improve the system
performances, the speed of response and undesirable overshoot characteristics.
In the paper methods for neural network implementation of the nonlinear
models are presented. The proposed method is based on the activation function
design and offers more large possibilities for process modeling.
Keywords: Process modeling. Model based -- control, Feed-forward
Networks, Nonlinear models.
Mihai – Horia Zaharia
Technical University "Gh. Asachi" Iasi,
Bd.-ul D. Mangeron nr. 53, RO-6600 Iasi
email: mike@cs.tuiasi.ro
Abstract. The distributed systems became an answer to many problems in computing science. Unfortunately the variety of proposed solutions make difficile to find some general aspects in design process. A solution who can increase the speed of reserch for various proposed architectures is to simulate it. The Petri nets are suitable for computer process simulation. That is the reason for choosing them for modeling and simulation of complex activities which are implied into distributed systems. One of the most important problem in distributed systems design is the singular resource allocation. In this paper a Petri net model for singular resources allocation is presented. Many authors treat this subject, but now new conceps, like generalised Petri nets appear, and that is the main reason of author to retake into account this theoretical approach.
Keywords: protocols, Petri nets, distributed systems
Stefan-Gheorghe PENTIUC
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str.Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
email: pentiuc@usv.ro
Institute for Work and Technology,
Science Center NRW Gelsenkirchen, Germany
email: hamburg@iatge.de
Abstract. The model of knowledge-based enterprise is an interdisciplinary approach involving the best issues of business sciences, cognitive sciences and computer science. The paper presents a stepwise model specifications that are issued during a co-operation between the Institute for Work and Technology (I.A.T.), Science Center NRW Gelsenkirchen, Germany, and University of Suceava, Romania in the frame of the EU-Phare / TEMPUS Program, JEP 12132-97 named INCOT - Introduction of Information and Communication Technologies
Keywords: Knowledge-Based Enterprise Model, knowledge management, information technology
L`Université Technique de Moldavie
Bd. ªtefan cel Mare nr.168, RM –2200 Chiºinãu
Résumé. Dans cette étude il s’agit du modéle mathématique du générateur synchrone inversé pour la description du processus transitoire du couit – circuit triphazé symétrique.On présente les résultats du calcul et des oscillogrammes de la variation des courants statoriques, rotoriques et du couple électromagnétique
CNCF “CFR”-SA, Sectia CT3 Suceava
str. Mesteacanului Nr.2, Bl .24, Sc. A, Ap.13
Suceava 5800, Romania
email: dtiliute@eed.usv.ro
Abstract. In 1968 was introduced the current conveying concept, as a particular application of the current mode circuits. A few years later, the implementation of accurate current conveyor devices have determined the circuit designers to develop alternative topologies for the most known voltage mode circuits. This because the current-conveyors offers many important advantages over their equivalent voltage mode circuits using operational am-plifiers. Below the author shows the present stage of the current mode active filters achievement and the main ways followed for their development. Two new selective amplifiers are also presented.
Keywords: current conveyors, active filter.
SSI S.A. Suceava
email: hal@eed.usv.ro
Abstract. The distributed data base information management systems are modern approaches for information systems modeling the actual companies, most of them geographically distributed. In order to increase the access speed and the system security the replication of the information stored in database is frequently used. The aim of this paper is to present the advantages and disadvantages of the replication in distributed data bases.
Keywords: distributed systems, data bases, replication
Valeriu LUPU
“Spiru Haret” Informatics Highschool
str. Zorilor 17, RO-5800 Suceava
email: lupuv@lisv.svnet.ro
Cãtãlin LUPU
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str.Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
email: catalinl@stud.usv.ro
Abstract. This paper describes a parallel method for sorting an array
of numbers, using a multiprocessor system. The method is based on the synchronous
messages transfer between processor. A processor will receive data from
its left, will compare the data that is stored in it and will send the
smallest value to the processor from its right (just in case the processor
is not the last one). Finally, the processor array will contain the sorted
Keywords: data parallelism, microprocessors, complexity measures,
parallel calculus, sorting algorithm
Alin Dan POTORAC, Radu PENTIUC, Valentin POPA
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str.Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
email: alinp@eed.usv..ro
Abstract: The paper basically presents some y aspects
of a practical implementation of a CVSD based system, using a microcontroller.
The developed system and algorithm allow voice digitisation at a quite
higher sampling rate and limited bandwidth, in order to send it on a limited
band high frequency radio channel.
Keywords: CVSD, delta modulation, voice digitisation
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str.Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
email: mahalu@eed.usv..ro
Abstract. This paper treat an electronic system used in one
self-driving vehicle for that feedback is performed through a PC coupled
video camera. The control system working in one way channel performed in
radio or infrared mean. In any way the logic command structure is same
and consists in two different circuits, one for transmitter block and other
for receiver bloc.
Keywords: self-driving vehicle, divider, counter, transmitter,
receiver, channel.
University of Guilan
P.O.Box 3756
Abstract. A thin, porous textile fabrics exposed to a low energy localized heat source such as dryer. A method is described for measuring dynamic surface temperature. The objectives of our study is to develop a technique using thermal imaging to characterize the temporal growth in material surface temperature. We measure surface temperature gradients on three different cotton fabrics, using infrared thermography. The dryer send the heat parallel to the fabric surface. An infrared camera mounted vertically to the fabric surface observes the thermal scene and produces a real-time, monocrome thermal image. The analog video images are recorded on tape for the entire experiment, with later extraction of the temperature data. The IR camera, which is calibrated at a temperature of 650C, maps the spectral radiance onto thermal image of the fabric surface over a temperature range of 20-650C. Following image acquisition, analog video images are digitized and treated to image processing routines (algorithms) to improve signal-to-noise ratio and transformation for extraction of useful data.
University POLITEHNICA Bucharest
email: cristian.marinescu@omicron.at
Marian DOBRE
University POLITEHNICA Bucharest
Department of Computer Science
Spl. Independentei 313, Sector 6
77206 Bucharest ROMANIA
email: Marian.Dobre@cs.pub.ro
Abstract. Web based applications are growing rapidly, due
to the wide availability of the Internet and to their short development
time, provided by the new emerging web software development technologies.
The increasing demand for Internet applications implies the need for finding
the best solutions to a large range of problems. For example, the problem
of computer aided testing of human subjects over a network becomes more
important every day. Not only schools and universities, but also a large
number of other official institutions are interested in Computer Aided
The Internet is already more widely deployed than any other computing
system in history and continues to grow rapidly. Leaving in an era of the
Internet communication, we have tried to develop a "classical" web oriented
application, offering the possibility to test people through automated
test procedures. The paper presents our results in establishing an Internet/intranet
platform for testing human knowledge, using a network of computers, and
technologies like Java servlet and JDBC. The advantages and disadvantages
of servlets and CGI technology are both assessed, stressing on the superiority
of the new servlet technology. We also present a practical comparison of
the servlet based application with a classical client-server solution.
Keywords: CGI technology, Computer Aided Assessment, Internet,
intranet, Java, servlet, WWW based application.
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str.Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava
email: lmandici@eed.usv..ro
Résumé. Dans l‘ouvrage les auteurs pressentent une parte
des résultats de la recherche dans le domaine des entraînements électriques
avec les moteurs linéaires asynchrone ? basse vitesse et inducteur bilatéral.
Elles sont présentées certaines variantes constructive des enroulements
électriques ? basse vitesse synchrone, ayant comme élément spécifique le
décalage longitudinale d’entre les encoches d’un inducteur par rapport
? les encoches de l’inducteur complémentaire.
Mots clé: machine électrique, actionnement électrique, moteur
linéaire a induction, enroulement électrique,
Universite des Sciences et Technologies de
Bibliotheque Universitaire Centrale Cite Scientifique Av. Henri Poincaré BP155 59653 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex FRANCE |
Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei
Biblioteca universitara Bd. Stefan cel Mare 168 277012 CHISINAU Republica Moldova |
Laboratoire Informatique de Lille
Bibliotheque Batiment M4 Cite Scientifique 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex FRANCE |
University of Cernautzi
University Library Ul. Kocjubinskogo 2 274012 CERNOVCY UKRAINE |
L2EP E.C. Lille
Batiment P2 Cite Scientifique BP 48 59655 Villeneuve d’Ascq Cedex FRANCE |
The State Technical University of Vinnitsa
University Library 95, Khmelnitska shore 286021 VINITSA UKRAINE |
KAHO Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven Gent
Gebroeders Desmetstraat 1 B-9000 GENT BELGIUM |
Moscow Aviation Institute
Library Volo Kolamskoye chosse 4 125 871 MOSCOW RUSSIA |
Universita degli Studii di Catania
Dipartimento Elettrico Elettronico e Sistemistico V.le A.Doria, 6 95125 CATANIA ITALY |
Moscow Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics
Institute Library Pr. Vernadskogo 78 117 454 MOSCOW V454 RUSSIA |
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
Biblioteca (Library) Rua S. Tome 4200 PORTO PORTUGAL |
University Library Northampton Square LONDON EC1V 0HB GREAT BRITAIN |
Universite de Franche Comte
Bibliotheque Universitaire 30, Avenue de l’Observatoire 25030 BESANCON Cedex Belfort FRANCE |
University of Colorado
University Library COLORADO SPRING 1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy CO 80907 USA |
Texas Cristian University
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National Technical University of Athens
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Universitatea Tehnica "Gh. Asachi" Iasi
Biblioteca universitara 6600 IASI |
Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca
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Universitatea Tehnica din Timisoara
Biblioteca universitara TIMISOARA |
Biblioteca Centrala Universitara
Universitatea din Craiova
Biblioteca universitara CRAIOVA |
Biblioteca Centrala Universitara
Subscription and Paper Submission
prof. Adrian GRAUR
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
The "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava,
str.Universitatii nr.1
e-mail: adriang@eed.usv.ro