Technical University Iaºi
- Technical University Iaºi
- Technical University Cluj-Napoca
- University Tehnica Timiºoara
- Technical University Iaºi
- Technical University Cluj-Napoca
Technical University Cluj-Napoca
Costicã NITU
- University Politehnica Bucureºti
Adrian PETRESCU - University
Politehnica Bucureºti
- University Politehnica Bucureºti
Alexandru VALACHI
- Technical University Iaºi
The Annals of the "Stefan
cel Mare" University Electrical Section,
ISSN 1222-4316, No. 9 / 1998
Abstract. The paper describes the main concepts and tools
used by scientific visualisation, a technology for improving the man machine
interface. It is a field of application that was rapidly growing in the
last years through the development of new algorithms, new theoretical approaches
and interface technologies.
Keywords: scientific visualisation, data models, visualisation
pipeline, data visualisation.
IT Services Group S.A. Suceava, Romania,
E-mail: ssi.sv@bx.logicnet.ro
Stefan ELIAN
Research Institute for Informatics, Bucharest, Romania
E-mail: elian@u3.ici.ro
Horatiu COIFAN
Ciprian PAVEL
Research Institute for Informatics, Bucharest, Romania
Abstract. Virtual Reality (VR) makes a relatively new realm in Information Technology (IT), a realm where computer science, optics, robotics and other scientific disciplines intertwine with each other to create a world which runs parallel to reality. To penetrate the virtual world is to acces a realm given birth by a lot of information witch is represented by the numerical data stored in a computer.
The virtual world elements of this application are either images of real, digitized elements (archives or recent photos, etches or drawings in archives documents, topographical maps, cadastre etc.) or files generated by a special purpose software. The VR uses computer to take man farther in the endless realm of knowledge. It makes him-at last -be almost instantly anywhere and anytime in space and time. The VR has the capability of compacting time and space, and of rendering them to every human being, to those who are willing to or must be back or aheadof time.
This paper aimed to present some of the VR applications. These applications are concerned with the virtual worlds synthesis and exploration. The paper is to make a modest contribution to the VR application to the cultural monuments restorement, namely the virtual restorement of the Princely Citadel of Suceava.
Keywords: virtual reality, interaction, immertion, reconstruction, 3D modeling.
Stefan - Gheorghe PENTIUC
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str. Universitatii nr.1. RO-5800,Suceava
E-mail: pentiuc@eed.usv.ro
Daniel AGA, Robert HALIUC, Marinela P. AGA, Mihaela CIUTAC
The Informatics Services Company S.A. Suceava
Abstract. The Open Distance Education System (ODES) represents
an adequate answer to the educational needs of enterprises and individuals.
Based on Information and Communication Technologies this form of education
ensure a long live education, not simple cycles of work and up-date period.
The main features of the ODES consist in the quasi-free organisation of
training process (curriculum, scheduling, evaluation) and a personalised
schedule of each student.
The aim of this paper is to present an auto-evaluation instrument
that permits to the students to evaluate himself the quantity of knowledge
that they acquired and receiving grades and rights to pass to the following
step of their training trajectory. This instrument may be used in various
domains, and was tested in a C programming language virtual class.
Keywords: Open Distance Learning, Distributed Systems
Cornel TURCU
Cristina TURCU
Valentin POPA
"Stefan Cel Mare" University of Suceava
str. Universitatii nr.1. RO-5800-Suceava
E-mail: {cturcu,
cristina, vgaitan, valentin}@eed.usv.ro
Abstract. This paper deals with a way of approaching a distributed control problemfrom a multi-agent system point view. Agents are autonomous entities capable of carryng out specific tasks by themselves or in co-operation with other agents. Multi-agent systems offer a descentralised control model, use the mechanism of message passing for communications purposes, and are usually implemented from an object-oriented perspective. This is useful when the process is distributed on a large geographic area.
Keywords: Multi-agent system, Agents, Process control.
Valentin POPA
Cristina TURCU
Cornel TURCU
"Stefan Cel Mare" University of Suceava
str. Universitatii nr.1. RO-5800-Suceava
E-mail: valentin@eed.usv.ro
Abstract. This paper proposes the most performant unidimensional constellations for two-states Trellis-Coded Modulation (TCM) schemes for a bit rate Rb 1-4-bits/symbol. To obtain the rest schemes symmetric, asymetric unidimensional constellations have been compared and partially overlapped signal constellations have been introduced. For all these schemes simulation results are presented.
Keywords: TCM, asymmetric constellation, partially overlapped signals.
Valentin POPA
"Stefan Cel Mare" University of Suceava
str. Universitatii nr.1. RO-5800-Suceava
E-mail: valentin@eed.usv.ro
Abstract. This paper proposes the most performant bidimensional constellations for two-states Trellis-Coded Modulation (TCM) schemes, for a bit rate Rb 1-4-bits/symbol. Symmetric and asymmetric bidimensional constellations have been compared for low rates and partially overlapped signal bidimensional constellations have been introduced for high rates. For all these schemes simulation results are presented.
Keywords: TCM, two-states, bidimensional constellations, partially overlapped signals.
Valentin POPA
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str.Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800 Suceava,
E-mail: alinp@eed.usv.ro,
Keywords: linear opto-coupler, phone line interface, SPICE simulation
Abstract. Knowing that the phone bill is an important
problem of the phone users, the solution proposed here consists of a special
phone line interface that allows to a processing unit to calculate the
phone bill at the subscriber end. The interface is an analogic one, optical
based. A particular configuration was developed in order to not disturb
the phone line signals. To detect the different states of the line it is
necessary to manage a special tone frequency, to "read" the dialed phone
number and to have some timing information. With this data the processing
unit can make the necessary calculus.
The paper focuses on the interface between the phone line and the
processing unit.
Keywords: linear opto-coupler, phone line interface, SPICE simulation.
Mihai RATA
Vasile ROSCA
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava, 1 University Street,
tel:(40) 30.214167/181, fax: (40) 30.520277
Resume. Le present ouvrage est consacre a l'etude et a la mise en oeuvre de nouvelles structures de moteurs piezo-electriques. Apres quelques considerations generales, sur la conversion d'energie par effet piezo-electrique et sur le principales structures de piezomoteurs, sont presentees les contributions des auteurs en realisations des nouveau moteurs piezo-electriques. On presente egalement les essayes experimentaux et les observations les conclusions finales.
Mots-clef: vibromotors, piezomoteurs, moteurs piezo-electriques.
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str. Universitatii nr.1, RO-5800- Suceava
E-mail: cojocaru@eed.usv.ro
Abstract. The paper presents a new DC Motor model achieved using Intusoft IsSPICE package. We construct this model because the IsSPICE model and SERVO model not respond in the same time to the all requirements in the electrical drive systems. In the first part we shown a simple DC Motor model where the magnetic field is constant. The second DC Motor model comprise the magnetic field simulation. The specific feature of these models is given by the fact that we can change all motor parameters in order to define the right DC Motor model behaviour.
Alexandru MIRON
str. Stefan cel Mare, nr. 24
"Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava
str. Universitatii nr.1, 5800 Suceava
Abstract.This paper presents some considerations as regards the medium voltage network with combined treatment neutral (arc suppression coil permanently connected at the internal services transformer ground or at neutral point coil and resistor connected in parallel with the help of a single breaker) and identification methods of the earth faults in this network.
ing. Eugen COCA
S.C. ELECTRICA S.A. - SD Suceava, 24, Stefan cel Mare, 5800 - Suceava,
tel: +40-30-221698/3112, fax: +40-30-213974
E-mail: ecoca@suceava.iiruc.ro
/ ecoca@lycosmail.com
Prof. dr. ing. Dimitrie ALEXA
Technical University "Gh. Asachi" Iasi, 11, Bd. Copou, 6600 - Iasi,
tel: +40-32-142283, fax: +40-32-211667
E-mail: alexa@etc.tuiasi.ro
Abstract: Power line filters are now present in almost all domestic and industrial applications. One major reason for installing a filter directly at the power entry point is the suppression of the conducted emissions that would otherwise be injected directly onto the power lines. Another reason is to suppress noise entering the equipment from the power lines. The continuous development of uninterruptible power supplies implies more efficient and inexpensive line filters. This article presents a detailed description and evaluation of these "ordinary" filters.
Keywords: noise, conducted emissions, power line filter, absorption filter
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Subscription and Paper Submission
prof. Adrian GRAUR
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
The "Stefan cel Mare" University of Suceava,
str.Universitatii nr.1
e-mail: adriang@eed.usv.ro